; Registration code (if you have it); Optional URL link when the applet is "clicked".; Reglink opened in new frame?; Name of new frame for reglink; Statusbar message; Resolution (1 .. 8); Face 1; Face 2; Face 3; Face 4; Face 5; Face 6; Interactive mode ("YES" - "NO"); Lightning ("YES" - "NO"); Light power (1..100); Light min power (1..511); Light max power (1..511); X Rotation speed; Y Rotation speed; Z Rotation speed; Optional background image; Red in background (0 .. 255); Green in background (0 .. 255); Blue in background (0 .. 255); Clear the background ("YES" - "NO"); Optional image over applet; Over image X offset; Over image Y offset; Memory deallocation delay; Loading task priority (1..10); Task priority (1..10); Min. milliseconds/frame for sync Sorry, your browser doesn't support Java. ; Message for no java browsers. (Use Your Mouse & Spin the Cube)


        The rudimentary website you have here has been all my learning experience at trying to build a website. TheBotwins.com is owned entirely by the Botwin family. We own the the Server, The Email Server, and the IP addresses. And our servers (3) are all housed in the offices of Litigations Illustrated. So if things aren't running then only Dave can be to blame. Please check in regularly there are always new things going up.




Visitors Since July 1, 2000 


Page Last Updated on: 10/19/03 15:07

Issues and Questions Contact: Webmaster@TheBotwins.com



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