Rubio Projects

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    Here is a glimpse of some of the art around my house.









How Big and Cool is Your Stereo System









     Here is the most daunting project I have ever taken on. This fireplace and tile project has now taken me a year and it's still not quite done yet. But take a moment, give it a click,  and get a good look of the tiling project -- I am quite proud.









     This was my original idea as to what I wanted my game room to look like. I started with a design on the computer. Then I went all over the place trying to find someone to match the paints. Then after painting the room and ceiling 3 times to get the walls a clean bright white I marked off the designs and got to work. Yep I was crazy enough to do this on my own -- I don't think you could find a painter crazy enough to do this job. The topper is the ultra-ultra shag black carpet in the room. It's so long it's already burned out 1 vacuum cleaner, but the puppies sure love to play on it. (Click to see how this turned out)










Mezuzah Dave's Taste In Art Stereo System Pool Room

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