Dave's Stuff

     Hello There. So your looking at this page which means your either lost on the web and bored, or your curious about me. So what kind of guy takes the time to build a web site to display all his interests... A single guy trying to impress the ladies of course. Yes I am a single guy, living in Los Angeles. I have a great career, make a comfortable living and since I don't have a significant other I get to lavishly spend my income on some eccentric hobbies and interests.  So click away and see what I do with my spare time, when I'm not trying to learn this silly web building stuff.

    My favorite expenses are my puppies. Bourgeois and Bisous they are 2 wonderful Brussels Griffons, and they each have their respective pages displaying them in all their cuteness. My oldest pet is my Harlequin macaw. Mordechai will be 13 this Thanksgiving. A cantankerous pet he is just as spoiled as the puppies. 42" from head to tail and every color of the rainbow I had to cut the balcony off my office to have his custom built cage loaded into the office.

    My house is one of my favorite play areas. I am very proud that after a year and half I finally completed the tile mosaic for the fireplace in my gameroom. Take a look at the Rubio links to see all the unusual things I collect and some of the eccentricities in my home ( Gameroom, Art and Stereo).


Click on any of the pictures to go to individual web pages... (Bisous, Boug, Fireplace, etc...)


; Registration code (if you have it); Optional URL link when applet is "clicked".; Reglink opened in new frame?; Name of new frame for reglink; Statusbar message; Image to load; resolution (1 .. 8); Light effects ("YES" or "NO"); Lowest light (-255 .. 255); Highest light (-255 .. 255); Auto design ("YES" or "NO"); Density of fluid (2 .. 6); Number of fishes (0 .. 2); Cross effect ("YES" or "NO"); Factor of cross effect; Size of circular rain (0 = OFF); Circular rain factor; Size of square rain (0 = OFF); Square rain factor; Fixed drops ("YES" or "NO"); X coord of fixed drops; Y coord of fixed drops; Size of fixed drops; Factor of fixed drops; Rain pressure (1 .. 2000); Fluidity ("water" or "oil"); Interaction ("ON" .. "OFF"); Optional image over applet; Over image X offset; Over image Y offset; Memory deallocation delay; Task priority (1..10); Min. milliseconds/frame for sync Sorry, your browser doesn't support Java. ; Message for no java browsers.      If you have ever been to one of my homes, you've seen my enjoyment of aquariums. My home now has 3 aquariums, plus a koi pond. And there is clearly a fish theme working throughout the house. And is there anything wrong with surrounding yourself with beautiful things that should always be wet ? I think Not. So take a glimpse at some of my pretty wet friends.

Some of My Aquariums









     One of my other favorite pastimes is gardening. I have landscaped both my front and back yards. While the backyard is not quite ready for primetime viewing, it is scaped with almost a dozen fruit bearing trees. I have fresh fruit available year round. From fresh grapefruit for the Koi to munch, to the much awaited Japanese Yellow Plums that arrive at the end of July. I have also started using my back yard to expand my collection of exotic Irises.

A Glimpse of My Gardens  







     So too many years baking in the sun may explain some of my eccentricities. But hey check out the pics and see how much fun you missed.....

Havasu Adventures (mature content)

    Okay so if you want something done right you have to do it yourself. That's what I have done with my home. I rebuilt my kitchen, built the gameroom, have built a stereo system throughout the house, add a distributed video system, digital phone system... well the lists goes on, but I am in the running for he who dies with the most toys. Take a click and check out some of my more creative endeavors.

My Creative House Projects


Some of these links are duplicates of the thumbnails and links above - And some are just added cause where else would they go ?????

Home Pets Page Project Page Peer Page HeartBreakers


Last Updated: 07/20/2005

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